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Whats for dessert? Nutella Cheesecake Layer Bars!

I found this recipe while browsing my wordpress.com account. I read it intently and after the second read I decided to give it a shot.

You see I’ve never made cheesecake before. I bake a lot and to brag about myself, I make a darn good chocolate chip coconut cookie! But never was a brave enough to tackle cheesecake.

I thought these seem easy.

So I headed to my pantry to take inventory of what ingredients I’d need to purchase. Off to the store with my trusty list in hand, as I went to the baking aisle, then the cookie aisle and back and forth looking for the most simple ingredient of them all, chocolate Graham crackers! They are no where to be found, at least on the shelves of the Littleton, Colorado Target store.

As I pondered giving up the recipe all together, a box of Chocolate Teddy Grahams jumped off the shelf at me and I was reminded of happy times with lots of little fingers in the box. “those should work, I thought to myself!” But the thought of grinding up all those cute little Teddy bears did have me a bit concerned.

Back at home my daughter Nicole and began our baking quest. We found the recipe easy to understand and the dish easy to build.

A few notes: be sure to chill overnight rather than the recommended 3 hours. The bars set at 3 hours but aren’t quite cold enough for enjoying. Know something about adjusting your baking times for humidity and altitude.

Next time, I’m adding chocolate chips to the layer of cookie crumbs after it cools but before the cheesecake goes in. We love Nutella but this left me wondering where the chocolate flavor went.